Sleep Apnea Treatment in Fort Collins, CO - Foothills Family Dental

Fort Collins' Solution for Sleep Apnea - Breathe Easier with Foothills Dental

At Foothills Dental, located right in the heart of Fort Collins at 605 S. College Ave., we understand that a good night's sleep is crucial for a vibrant life in our active community. Dr. Richard J. Pass and Dr. Jesse James Gonzalez offer specialized care for sleep apnea, ensuring that you can enjoy the peaceful, restorative sleep you need.

What is Sleep Apnea Treatment?

Sleep apnea affects millions of people worldwide and can seriously impact your quality of life. Most often, being overweight, obese or having other respiratory issues can increase your chances of developing sleep apnea. The condition is caused by the soft tissues at the very back of the throat relaxing and covering the airway. This results in loud snoring and cessations in your breathing throughout the night, which causes you to wake up to catch your breath continually. Our Fort Collins practice offers sleep apnea treatment to help open the airway and reduce or eliminate sleep apnea symptoms.

Advanced Care in a Comfortable, Local Setting

We pride ourselves on utilizing the latest advancements in sleep apnea treatment, all within the familiar and comfortable setting of our Fort Collins practice. Our state-of-the-art technology and compassionate approach ensure you receive the most effective care close to home.

Support for Active Lifestyles in Fort Collins

Our community is known for its active and health-conscious residents. Effective management of sleep apnea is crucial for maintaining that lifestyle. We're here to ensure that your sleep disorder doesn't keep you from enjoying all that Fort Collins has to offer.

Why might Sleep Apnea Treatment be Needed?

Sleep apnea is a medical condition that can seriously impact your way of life. Because you're not sleeping properly, you'll find that you are too exhausted to do anything throughout the day. You may even find yourself falling asleep on the job or when trying to spend time with your loved ones. The loud snoring at night can even be disruptive to your loved ones, causing them to stay awake as well.

Who is a candidate for Sleep Apnea Treatment?

Most patients can expect improvement in their sleep apnea with Nightlase laser treatment. Patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea symptoms can often benefit from the oral device that we make for them in the office. This device works by opening the airway, which makes it easier for you to breathe while you sleep. We will go over your health and medical history to ensure that treatment is right for you. If you have sleep apnea, it is important to consider treatment to improve your quality of life.

Fort Collins' Solution for Sleep Apnea - Breathe Easier with Foothills Dental

Convenient, Compassionate Care for Sleep Apnea

Our office hours are tailored to the busy lives of our Fort Collins residents. We're open Monday to Thursday (8 am - 5 pm) and Friday (8 am - 1 pm), making it easy for you to schedule appointments around your schedule. Contact us at 970-482-6841 or for a consultation.

A Community-Centric Approach to Sleep Apnea Treatment

Drs. Pass and Gonzalez are not just experienced dental professionals; they're part of the Fort Collins community. They bring a compassionate, understanding approach to every patient, ensuring you feel supported and cared for every step of the way.

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