Revitalize Your Smile with Our Restorative Dentistry Solutions


Foothills Family Dental in Fort Collins, CO 80524, specializes in restorative dentistry, offering advanced solutions to restore function, health, and aesthetics to your smile. Whether you're dealing with tooth loss, damage, or decay, our team is equipped with the expertise and technology to rejuvenate your oral health.

Restorative Dentistry Services

Our experienced dentists, Dr. Richard J. Pass and Dr. Jesse Gonzalez, provide a comprehensive range of restorative treatments:

Our Approach to Restorative Care

We understand that needing restorative dental work can be stressful. Our approach is patient-focused, ensuring comfort and understanding throughout your treatment journey. We use the latest dental techniques and materials to achieve the best outcomes, with a focus on minimizing discomfort and maximizing results.